Thursday, March 25, 2010

Some Worship Thoughts....

Over the past 36 hours or so, I have had a few ponderings regarding the practice of worship....these are my thoughts....(again, in random order)

To start, I am super thankful that God has chosen me to lead His people in worship. To make music to the King is truly an honor and I am thankful that God's grace covers my insufficiencies to the point where I can do that. I'm extremely humbled every time I remember that my feeble attempts at music are for the Almighty.

Raising of hands in worship...I think it is a really cool thing...but is it overdone? Why do we raise our hands for only certain types of worship? Shouldn't it be a consistent thing?

Tonight, I tried to worship without singing, but rather listening. It was cool to hear the Christian body and imagine what the music in heaven would sound like. It was also cool to hear the Spirit moving. What wasn't cool, however, was that I noticed I didn't get the same feeling as when I am singing. Said a different way....perhaps I enjoy the sing-along part of worship more than the praising part. Make sense? I mean, it's easy to feel the "joy" when we are singing our favorite maybe that "joy" we thought was heavenly based turns out to be karaoke based....I dunno....

Finally, the worship grading system. Yeah, I critique worship sets. The musicians. The song selection. And typically I show no mercy. It's a really good thing God is merciful in accepting my worship, because if He were as harsh a critic as me then nothing short of Hillsong or Crowderband would be good enough....

The moral of the story (or blog) is that worship is something that both puzzles and amazes me. I am so grateful to be able to praise my LORD, I'm just not sure about a lot of aspects....


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