Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Ever heard the phrase "I can't wait until...."? It's really a silly phrase when you think about it, because if you can't wait, then what else are you going to do? How do you "not wait" for a future event?

Webster defines "waiting" as "remaining inactive or in a state of repose, as until something expected happens"

How many of us are in a state of waiting? Waiting for that special someone. Waiting for that awesome career. Waiting for graduation. Waiting for summer.

Whatever it is that we're waiting for, we seem to do so in a passive state. We wait until that special happening to start living our lives. We live them as though they haven't really started and everything until that ultimate event is just the warm up.

Throughout the Old Testament, we see cases of people who could have lived their lives in a state of waiting, but didn't. Women such as Sarai, Rebekah, Rachel, and Hannah were all considered barren, which was a big deal in those days. A woman's role in society was basically to raise a family, so these women faced a huge struggle. But they didn't just sit and cry about it, rather they prayed about it. They worked towards their goal. In the end, God blessed them with children. You may have heard of them, they were Isaac, Jacob, Joseph & Benjamin, and Samuel. God had work for those women to do before they had children. He had a plan for them.

So I would encourage you to use that silly little phrase and "not wait." Don't spend your life waiting for that special someone to walk into your life. Don't just sit by and hope that job falls into your lap. Enjoy school while it lasts. And make the best of winter while it's here (or at least try).

Or maybe you are waiting for the wrong thing. Maybe that special someone is already in your life and you are ignoring it. Or maybe you are supposed to do a different job than you thought.

Whatever the case, pray about your time of waiting, and ask God what it is that you are supposed to be doing instead of sitting on your hands and marking days off the calender.

Live your life now. Don't wait.

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