Thursday, February 25, 2010

God's Hands

Here's a simple lesson I was reminded of tonight....

The past week or two I have been getting really frustrated with one of the ministries I am involved in, mostly because I have been getting a lot of grief from various people and I don't know how to handle it.

The problem is that everybody wants something different and I can't satisfy them all, so what do I do?

The lesson to be learned here is that all ministry is powered by God. The LORD provides everything for a ministry, and as a result we need to rely on Him.

That was my problem, I wasn't relying on Him. I was taking all of this grief from people personally. I was personally trying to solve all of the problems.

This doesn't work.

I snapped at a friend of mine today for something that wasn't her fault because I was getting so worn down trying to do it all myself. Throughout this evening, at a worship event, I was pretty crabby and not very useful.

So this was not only hurting me, but other people, and probably affecting my ministry.

So do yourself and everybody else a favor....put it in God's hands.

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