Sunday, February 21, 2010

Survival Faith

Here's a scenario that got me thinking a bit....

Let's say you somehow get stranded on a deserted island (inspired from LOST) and you will be on that island for the rest of your life. The worst part is that you are completely alone (According to Jack you're gonna die then).

So you are facing a lifetime of solitude with no contact to the outside world.

What does this mean for your faith?

No more church. No more evangelism (unless you want to convert the native crustaceans). No more good works (Faith without works is dead)

Seriously, what happens to your faith then? I reckon you get a lot of prayer time, but would your faith increase or decrease? If faith wouldn't survive this ordeal, does that then mean that our faith is dependent on the presence of others?

How can a Christian live out their faith in such circumstances?

I suppose what the question really comes down to is this. Can you continue in your faith if it is just you and the LORD? You may be able to physically survive on the island, but will your faith make it?

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