Sunday, February 14, 2010

True Love

Well friends, tis Valentines day, and I thought I might share my ponderings on the subject.....Don't worry, I'm not about to whine or complain....

One of my friends, Kieth Kosmal, highlighted the fact that a day devoted to love has become one of the most depressing days of the year for most people. Often called "Singles Awareness Day", many reflect on their own life and feel sorry for themselves for not being in a relationship with that perfect other....

And so this day should be depressing to us single folk....right?

We shouldn't have any reason to be happy on this day (or any other day for that matter) because being single is a terrible thing. A person can only be happy if they are dating....


The positive alternative (Sounds like a cheesy radio station name), is that we could celebrate the love we do have....

You know, from the Father?

Yeah...He loves us....pretty cool right?

So the question that I've been pondering is this: Is there anything wrong with the single life?

Man's purpose on this planet is to glorify God, one might even say that's what we were made for (Colossians 1:16). One could claim that the only way for us to be happy is to do what we were made to do, glorify God.

People live their entire lives happy and fulfilled without a spouse. Look at the apostles. If you do find that special someone, great, they are there to help you glorify God. But they aren't the ultimate goal, and especially not the key to happiness. Don't believe me? Ask Paul (1 Corinthians 7).

Don't get me wrong, romantic relationships are a gift from God, and should be celebrated accordingly. But like all of God's gifts, they shouldn't become idols. They can't fill the whole in your heart like God can.

So instead of whining and complaining about V-day, go buy yourself some candy hearts (although they taste so bad, why would you give them to someone you care about?), and remember that you're here to glorify God...not to find "true love."

The real True Love has already found you...

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