Monday, February 8, 2010

When you grow up....

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Most of us had an answer to this question as children, but for some reason we had no clue during high school, even college. Why is that?

As children, we weren't afraid to dream. We didn't recognize the hardships of our dreams. We didn't let anything hinder our imaginations. Then we grew up, realized that we didn't have enough money, or weren't talented enough. Sometimes we even blame God and claim that He didn't want us to follow those dreams.

Whatever the excuse, we are now afraid. Afraid of failure, afraid of others, afraid of even trying.

So what do we do? We take safe jobs, make safe plans, and dream within our safe little boxes. We have allowed the world to constrict our vision. Seriously, who grew up saying, "I want to file papers, clean toilets, go to business meetings" when I get older.

When we were younger, we had no shame in asking questions, always wondering why. More importantly, we didn't even know what normal was, so we didn't care. How many of you thought about your image as a child?

My point here is that as children, we weren't afraid to do anything, to dream anything, to try anything. I honestly believe that if many of us met our childhood selves, those little dudes would kick our butts for becoming a bunch of cowards.

God has an awesome plan for each of our lives, but we're too scared to even ask about it, let alone act upon it. So dream big, don't be afraid to questions, and relive the glory days when "normal" didn't exist. God calls us to be radicals, so stop playing it safe.

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