Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Human Church

Disclaimer *This blog rags on the church. Lots of people rag on the church. And like everyone else, I don't really know how to solve please help*

One of the few things that the church of Acts and the church today had in common were a plethora of problems. However, back then they solved them differently. Today, if someone has a problem with the church, they leave. Not even for a good reason (the music is too loud, the sermon is boring, the food's not good). In Acts 15, the church faces a huge issue (circumcision)and resolves it...

and nobody leaves.


Why do churches split over petty arguments?

Why do churches compete against each other?

What if the church is in worse shape than we thought....What if the church is missing the point....what if the Holy Spirit has left the church?

Seriously....what if the problem with the church is that in addition to driving away people, we have driven away the Spirit? What if God is so disgusted with the church that He has left it?

Isaiah 29:13 says; "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men."

What if all of our rules and regulations have pushed the Spirit out? What if other idols (the music, form of worship, the people) in the church don't leave room for God to be praised? Perhaps the church has become too focused on community and doctrines to be focused on God....

The church of Acts is the finest example of a church that we have, and it seems that we've ignored that example. Sure they fought and argued, but they ultimately stayed together ("and the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved"-Acts 2:47). This church was focused on spreading the glory of God and worshiping Him. Our church is focused on church.

Why is it so difficult to get back to the only example of church we have?

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