Thursday, February 25, 2010

God's Hands

Here's a simple lesson I was reminded of tonight....

The past week or two I have been getting really frustrated with one of the ministries I am involved in, mostly because I have been getting a lot of grief from various people and I don't know how to handle it.

The problem is that everybody wants something different and I can't satisfy them all, so what do I do?

The lesson to be learned here is that all ministry is powered by God. The LORD provides everything for a ministry, and as a result we need to rely on Him.

That was my problem, I wasn't relying on Him. I was taking all of this grief from people personally. I was personally trying to solve all of the problems.

This doesn't work.

I snapped at a friend of mine today for something that wasn't her fault because I was getting so worn down trying to do it all myself. Throughout this evening, at a worship event, I was pretty crabby and not very useful.

So this was not only hurting me, but other people, and probably affecting my ministry.

So do yourself and everybody else a favor....put it in God's hands.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Survival Faith

Here's a scenario that got me thinking a bit....

Let's say you somehow get stranded on a deserted island (inspired from LOST) and you will be on that island for the rest of your life. The worst part is that you are completely alone (According to Jack you're gonna die then).

So you are facing a lifetime of solitude with no contact to the outside world.

What does this mean for your faith?

No more church. No more evangelism (unless you want to convert the native crustaceans). No more good works (Faith without works is dead)

Seriously, what happens to your faith then? I reckon you get a lot of prayer time, but would your faith increase or decrease? If faith wouldn't survive this ordeal, does that then mean that our faith is dependent on the presence of others?

How can a Christian live out their faith in such circumstances?

I suppose what the question really comes down to is this. Can you continue in your faith if it is just you and the LORD? You may be able to physically survive on the island, but will your faith make it?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

True Love

Well friends, tis Valentines day, and I thought I might share my ponderings on the subject.....Don't worry, I'm not about to whine or complain....

One of my friends, Kieth Kosmal, highlighted the fact that a day devoted to love has become one of the most depressing days of the year for most people. Often called "Singles Awareness Day", many reflect on their own life and feel sorry for themselves for not being in a relationship with that perfect other....

And so this day should be depressing to us single folk....right?

We shouldn't have any reason to be happy on this day (or any other day for that matter) because being single is a terrible thing. A person can only be happy if they are dating....


The positive alternative (Sounds like a cheesy radio station name), is that we could celebrate the love we do have....

You know, from the Father?

Yeah...He loves us....pretty cool right?

So the question that I've been pondering is this: Is there anything wrong with the single life?

Man's purpose on this planet is to glorify God, one might even say that's what we were made for (Colossians 1:16). One could claim that the only way for us to be happy is to do what we were made to do, glorify God.

People live their entire lives happy and fulfilled without a spouse. Look at the apostles. If you do find that special someone, great, they are there to help you glorify God. But they aren't the ultimate goal, and especially not the key to happiness. Don't believe me? Ask Paul (1 Corinthians 7).

Don't get me wrong, romantic relationships are a gift from God, and should be celebrated accordingly. But like all of God's gifts, they shouldn't become idols. They can't fill the whole in your heart like God can.

So instead of whining and complaining about V-day, go buy yourself some candy hearts (although they taste so bad, why would you give them to someone you care about?), and remember that you're here to glorify God...not to find "true love."

The real True Love has already found you...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kids These Days

Close your eyes....think back to your childhood. Amidst pleasant memories of bikes, sandboxes, cartoons, and cereal, you probably remember lots of worries and concerns. don't?

That's don't.

The reason is because, generally speaking, your parents provided everything for you. Who worried about finances? Who was concerned with nutrition? Who obsessed over the next day, week, or month?


We all trusted our parents.

God the FATHER takes care of us. He provides for us. He loves us. So why are we still worrying?

"Which of you, if his son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"

Now go back to your cartoons and cereal.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Human Church

Disclaimer *This blog rags on the church. Lots of people rag on the church. And like everyone else, I don't really know how to solve please help*

One of the few things that the church of Acts and the church today had in common were a plethora of problems. However, back then they solved them differently. Today, if someone has a problem with the church, they leave. Not even for a good reason (the music is too loud, the sermon is boring, the food's not good). In Acts 15, the church faces a huge issue (circumcision)and resolves it...

and nobody leaves.


Why do churches split over petty arguments?

Why do churches compete against each other?

What if the church is in worse shape than we thought....What if the church is missing the point....what if the Holy Spirit has left the church?

Seriously....what if the problem with the church is that in addition to driving away people, we have driven away the Spirit? What if God is so disgusted with the church that He has left it?

Isaiah 29:13 says; "These people come near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me. Their worship of me is made up only of rules taught by men."

What if all of our rules and regulations have pushed the Spirit out? What if other idols (the music, form of worship, the people) in the church don't leave room for God to be praised? Perhaps the church has become too focused on community and doctrines to be focused on God....

The church of Acts is the finest example of a church that we have, and it seems that we've ignored that example. Sure they fought and argued, but they ultimately stayed together ("and the LORD added to their number daily those who were being saved"-Acts 2:47). This church was focused on spreading the glory of God and worshiping Him. Our church is focused on church.

Why is it so difficult to get back to the only example of church we have?

Monday, February 8, 2010

When you grow up....

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Most of us had an answer to this question as children, but for some reason we had no clue during high school, even college. Why is that?

As children, we weren't afraid to dream. We didn't recognize the hardships of our dreams. We didn't let anything hinder our imaginations. Then we grew up, realized that we didn't have enough money, or weren't talented enough. Sometimes we even blame God and claim that He didn't want us to follow those dreams.

Whatever the excuse, we are now afraid. Afraid of failure, afraid of others, afraid of even trying.

So what do we do? We take safe jobs, make safe plans, and dream within our safe little boxes. We have allowed the world to constrict our vision. Seriously, who grew up saying, "I want to file papers, clean toilets, go to business meetings" when I get older.

When we were younger, we had no shame in asking questions, always wondering why. More importantly, we didn't even know what normal was, so we didn't care. How many of you thought about your image as a child?

My point here is that as children, we weren't afraid to do anything, to dream anything, to try anything. I honestly believe that if many of us met our childhood selves, those little dudes would kick our butts for becoming a bunch of cowards.

God has an awesome plan for each of our lives, but we're too scared to even ask about it, let alone act upon it. So dream big, don't be afraid to questions, and relive the glory days when "normal" didn't exist. God calls us to be radicals, so stop playing it safe.